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The dry deposition of gaseous air pollutants on stone and other materials is influenced by atmospheric processes and the chemical characteristics of the deposited gas species and of the specific receptor material. Previous studies have shown that relative humidity, surface moisture, and acid buffering capability of the receptor surface are very important factors. To better quantify this behavior, a special recirculating wind tunnel/environmental chamber was constructed, in which wind speed, turbulence, air temperature, relative humidity, and concentrations of several pollutants (SO2, O3, nitrogen oxides) can be held constant. An airfoil sample holder holds up to eight stone samples (3.8 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick) in nearly identical exposure conditions. SO2 deposition on limestone was found to increase exponentially with increasing relative humidity (RH). Marble behaves similarly, but with a much lower deposition rate. Trends indicate there is little deposition below 20% RH on clean limestone and below 60% RH on clean marble. This large difference is due to the limestone's greater porosity, surface roughness, and effective surface area. These results indicate surface variables generally limit SO2 deposition below about 70% RH on limestone and below at least 95% RH on marble. Aerodynamic variables generally limit deposition at higher relative humidity or when the surface is wet.  相似文献   
沂蒙山区桃园棕壤斥水性对理化性质的空间响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以沂蒙山区典型土地利用桃园棕壤为例,在分析降雨前后桃园棕壤斥水性与理化性质空间变异的基础上,探讨了棕壤斥水性对土壤含水量、有机质含量和土壤质地的空间响应特征。按照1 m×1 m网格等间距测定降雨前后土壤实际斥水性与含水量,同时采集表层0~3 cm土壤样品,分析其有机质含量与砂粒、粉粒、黏粒含量,并借助经典统计学、地统计学与空间自相关理论对土壤斥水性及理化性质进行空间格局与空间相关性分析。结果表明:沂蒙山区桃园棕壤的斥水程度强烈,雨后斥水性显著降低;降雨前后棕壤斥水性均具有中等变异水平和较强的空间自相关性,且呈指数模型分布,各向异性显著。受结构变异和随机变异作用,斥水性空间格局沿耕作方向呈条带状分布,在其垂直方向上最小变程为1.4 m。土壤质地是影响棕壤斥水性空间变异的主要因素,斥水性与粉粒含量呈空间正相关,与砂粒和黏粒含量呈空间负相关,相关程度粉粒砂粒黏粒;棕壤斥水性与含水量呈空间负相关,相关度雨前较弱,雨后显著。  相似文献   
游文芝 《河北农业科学》2008,12(11):105-106
竹林是浦城县的一大资源优势。然而由于不合理利用,导致全县竹林整体质量不高,竹山水土流失严重。因此,应通过加强领导,抓好各项工作的落实;夯实资源培育基础,全面提高竹林经营管理水平;开展竹山生态修复,让资源永续利用;完善竹山经营责任制,搞活竹山经营权流转机制;加大产品开发力度,树立品牌意识,提高市场占有率和制定有关优惠政策和措施,扶持重点产业建设等措施,使竹林生态系统得以稳固,以实现浦城县竹山的可持续利用。  相似文献   
豫南山区丰富的野生悬钩子植物资源,具有较高的利用价值,通过良种选择,资源培育,综合开发利用,为野生资源的合理开发提供了重要的途径。  相似文献   
贺兰山地区冬季鸟类物种多样性调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年和2007年的11~12月,采用固定样线统计法连续2 a对贺兰山地区冬季鸟类组成进行了调查。共记录鸟类7目17科72种,约占全国鸟类种数(1 319种)的5.46%,占宁夏鸟类种数(320种)的22.50%。在地理区划上,古北界鸟类61种,占该地区鸟类种数的84.72%;广布种类11种,占15.28%;未观测到东洋界鸟类。其中,留鸟51种,占70.83%;冬候鸟11种,占15.28:旅鸟10种,占13.89%。具有明显集群生活方式的有41种,占56.94%。山地草原带出现的鸟类种类最多,有40种,其次是山地疏林草原带和山地针叶林带,分别有34种和35种,亚高山灌丛和草甸带最少,仅有5种。贺兰山冬季有国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生鸟类3种,有国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类14种。  相似文献   
为了充分了解及有效保存内蒙古地区的牧草种质遗传资源,对大兴安岭南段东南麓低山丘陵各类天然草场资源的分布及组成进行了调查研究,根据采集植物标本的鉴定结果统计,该地区共有野生种子植物和蕨类植物774种,属88科329属,饲用植物占植物总数的82.17%.同时调查还发现,该区草地资源存在过度放牧、良种未得到充分保护等问题,并提出了一些针对性的建议,为进一步完善该地区牧草育种和良种繁殖体系及有效地保护和利用牧草种质资源提供参考.  相似文献   
综合治理水土流失全面发展山区经济佘国云(湖南省怀化地区行政公署,怀化市418000)怀化地区位于湖南省的西南部,与黔、川、桂、鄂四省相毗邻,辖12个县(市)337个乡(镇),4065个村,居住着汉、土家、侗、苗等32个民族的466万人。全区总面积2....  相似文献   
  1. High elevation lakes are extreme ecosystems and serve as sentinels of various global changes.
  2. An expedition to Volcán Llullaillaco in 1996 discovered an unstudied high-elevation lake (6,170 m a.s.l.) that probably was formed as a result of the past eruptive events or climatic processes such as glacial retreat in the lake basin.
  3. This article describes an initial physical characterization of the lake and its microbial communities derived from two sampling expeditions in 2013 and 2016.
  4. The microbial community in the lake, with an area between 1.2 and 1.4 ha and a depth of 6.8 m, was dominated by Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Haloarchaea. In addition, 26 bacterial isolates were identified within the genera Subtercola, Xylophilus, Rhodanobacter, Mesorhizobium and Pseudomonas.
  5. Lago Llullaillaco is one of the highest recorded lakes in the world, and this study highlights the unique microbial diversity of this aquatic ecosystem and the importance of its preservation to understand the complex biological processes under polyextreme conditions.
2002年4月10日~2002年10月15日在方正县选择浅山区塘坝进行方正银鲫养殖试验研究。结果表明:在低温浅山区塘坝进行方正银鲫为主的养殖是可行的,经:170d的养殖,方正银鲫由放养时的l00g到出池时250g,亩利润为1233.4元,同时,搭配大规格鲢鳙鱼,可取得高产高效的养殖效果。  相似文献   
自然保护地破损山地包括自然保护地内废弃的矿山、石场、泥口和裸露的道路边坡等。自然保护地破损山地生态修复,可改善生态环境,保护生物多样性,提升景观质量,促进人与自然和谐共生。基于广东省自然保护地破损山地的现状,分析了全省自然保护地破损山地生态修复存在的问题,并从保护生态环境和生物多样性的角度,针对边坡、土壤、水环境、植被和景观等修复提出相应的对策,以期为自然保护地破损山地生态修复提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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